Remember good old times, having some few multicolored pens in front of you, coloring funny pictures? Yes, you are right. It used to be kids stuff.
We’re bringing the change.
The Ghettolife Coloring Book is not just for kids, but your homies, friends, buddies, amigos, brothers, crew members… even your aged parents!
Twentyseven badass ghettolife pictures are waiting to be filled up with fancy colors.
Revive your pencil case!
Publisher: International Neighborhood Verlag, Leipzig
Coverartwork: RXXXR
Illustration: Hobby 176
Editor: IdealPlus / Studio Endtrend
Handprinted at: DieSiebdrucker (Martin Oschmann, Jakob Semmer, Sina Schindler)
Paper: Design Offset, 250g/qm, woodfree
Release: December 2012
Format: 28 x 21 cm
Features: 16 pages, monochrome, serigraph cover
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Ghettolife coloring book